One of the issues with the Mongoose fat bikes is the torx bolt they use to hold the rotors in. They must be made with insta-strip technology. I'd like to know if someone has ever gotten one out with the correct driver.
Here's a short tutorial on how to get them out so you can replace the bolts with a higher quality screw and a better rotor. This is actually really easy with the right tools.
Tools I used:
a big and wide flat screwdriver
Dremel cut off wheel
Alls you got to do is take the cut off wheel, grind a nice flat groove in the bolt head and take the screwdriver and unscrew it.
Do you really need a tutorial on this? I don't. But I know a lot of people {myself included} likes to research and look at pictures of something before diving in. So here goes...
Cut off wheel.
You can see here how I grinded the slot in the screw.
Just like that
Always has to have one that breaks off. I just grabbed what was left with pliers and turned it out that way.
New rotor mounted and ready to roll.