Friday, January 31, 2014


Welcome to Right 2 Bike!  What's the name mean? Right 2 Bike stems{pun} from the fact that I don't like turning left while I'm riding on the road. I try to plan my routes with the least amount of lefts as possible. If I do need to make a left I try to make it as safe of an intersection as possible.
Anyway, it's January 31st in the northeastern part of the country and it's been brutally cold.. We had lows hovering near 0 with a -5 to -20 wind chill. We've also been getting hammered with snow. 
I picked the perfect winter to decide to commute to work in! I've been commuting to work three times a week for the last three springs and summers. 2014 I decided to bump it up and commute five days a week and see if going down to a one car household would be a viable option for us. Commuting five days a week has bumped my mileage up from 51 miles a week to 85 miles a week.
This is the Fuji Delrey that started it all. A friend of mine gave me this bike. I put about 60$ into it to get it up and running. It was sitting in his garage for years. Regrettably, I sold it over the summer when I stumbled up an aluminum framed Specialized Sequoia Elite that needed some love. I'll get another steel commuter one day.
Since, we're in the dead of winter and it's hard to find a collective site with all the ins and outs of staying warm and staying safe on your commute; we'll be focusing on that in the next few weeks. I don't claim to have all the answers but, I'll be giving honest reviews on the gear I use and share in the successes and failures.